Table of Contents

Expression Parameter Reference

The below provides further information on using parameter expressions in IDEA StatiCa developer tab. More general information on using parameters can be found here.


This page provides a comprehensive list of the operations and functions avaliable within the developer tab parameter functionality.

On top of the standard functions that you would expect when using formulas or expressions, several special functions are provied to extend functionally specific to IDEA StatiCa applications. These include providing functions that can reference existing member geometric properties, project settings values, forces in a given connection as well as inputing and converting units.

All together they provide for a very powerful way of driving designs in a parametric fashion.


Standard operators

Expression Description Example Input Example Ouput
+ addition 2.3 + 2 4.3d
- subtraction 2.3 - 2 0.3d
* multiplication 2.5*3.1 7.75d
\ division 5/4 1.25d
% remainder division 9/4 1


Below is a list of the standard logical operators avaliable.

Expression Description Example Input Example Ouput
or, || Condition testing based on or true || true, true or false true, true
and, && Condition testing based on and true && true, true and false true, false


Below is a list of the standard relational operators avaliable.

Expression Description Example Input Example Ouput
n = x, n == x n is equal to x 5 == 5 True
n != x n does not equal to x 3 != 5 True
n < x < j x is within bounds of n and j 3 < 4 < 5 True
n < x x is less than n 3 < 4 True
n <= x x is less or equal to n 3 <= 4, 3<=3 True
x > n x is greater than n 4 > 3 True
x >= n x is greater than or equal to n 4 > 3 True


Expression Description Example Input Example Ouput
!, not reverse the meaning or logic of a given condition or object !true, not true False
- logical negation symbol (given x=5) -x -5
~ Bitwise not

Standard functions

Math functions

Below is a list of the standard math functions avaliable.

Expression Description Example Input **Result
Abs() Returns the absolute value of a specified number. Abs(-1) 1M
Acos() Returns the angle whose cosine is the specified number. Acos(1) 0d
Asin() Returns the angle whose sine is the specified number. Asin(0) 0d
Atan() Returns the angle whose tangent is the specified number. Atan(0) 0d
Ceiling() Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the specified number. Ceiling(1.5) 2
Cos() Returns the cosine of the specified angle. Cos(0) 1d
Exp() Returns e raised to the specified power. Exp(0) 1d
Floor() Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified number. Floor(1.5) 1
IEEERemainder() Returns the remainder resulting from the division of a specified number by another specified number. IEEERemainder(3, 2) -1
Log() Returns the logarithm of a specified number. Log(1, 10) 0
Log10() Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number. Log10(1) 0
Max() Returns the larger of two specified numbers. Max(1, 2) 2
Min() Returns the smaller of two numbers. Min(1, 2) 1
Pow() Returns a specified number raised to the specified power. Pow(3, 2) 9
Round() Rounds a value to the nearest integer (0) or specified number of decimal places (>0). Round(3.222, 2) 3.22
Sign() Returns a value indicating the sign of a number. Sign(-10) -1
Sin() Returns the sine of the specified angle. Sin(0) 0
Sqrt() Returns the square root of a specified number. Sqrt(4) 2
Tan() Returns the tangent of the specified angle. Tan(0) 0
Truncate() Calculates the integral part of a number. Truncate(1.7) 1

Logical functions

Logical functions and operators can be used for providing outputs based on a given condition.

Expression Description Example Input Example Ouput
in(check,p1,p2,p3,pn) Returns whether an element (check) is in a set of values [p1,p2,p3,pn]. in(1 + 1, 1, 2, 3) True
if(condition, value if true, value if false) If function, returns a value based on a true/false condition. if(3 % 2 = 1, 45, 55) 45
? Simplified condition syntax. condtionat ? value if true : value if false. 3 % 2 =1 ? 45 : 55 45

String functions

Below are functions which can be used to create strings. These functions are commonly useful for creating more complex input types such as bolt spacing inputs, points and vectors.

Expression Description Example Input Example Ouput
ToString(p1) Converts an input to its string equivilant. ToString(2.1578) '2.1578'
Concat(p1, p2, pn) Concatenates any number strings into one string output, also evaluating each seperated input to a string. Concat('M',20,' ','8.8') 'M20 8.8'
Join(Deliminater, p1, p2, Pn) Concatenates multiple strings into one output, with a given deliminater Join(';',-0.020,0.020,0.040) '-0.020; 0.020; 0.040'
Format(input string, P0, P1, Pn) Allows input of specific values given a constant string format Format('{0}*{1}',0.75,0.2) '0.75*2'

Unit import and conversion functions

Remember that in the background all unitized values are stored in Basic SI units. We provide a list of functions where the user can input a particular decimal unitized value in there selected unit. This will then be converted to the basic SI equivilant in the background.

Expression Description Example Input Example Ouput
Length(length, lengthunit) Allows input on a length to the specified unit type. ('m','dm','cm','mm','in','ft') Length(4/5,'in') 0.020 m
Area(area, lengthunit) Allows input on a area to the specified unit type. ('m','dm','cm','mm','in','ft') Area(200000,'mm') 0.2 m2
Force(force, forceunit) Allows a force input to a specified force unit type. ('N','kN','MN','daN','kp','lbf','kip') Force(13.5,'kp') 132.39 N
Stress(stress, stressunit) Allows a stress input to a specified stress unit type. ('Pa','kPa','MPa','N/mm2','N/m2','N/m2','MN/m2','psi','ksi') Stress(25,'MPa') 25000000 Pa
Moment(force, momentunit) Allows a moment input to a specified moment unit. ('Nm','kNm', 'MNm', 'daNm', 'lbf.ft','kip.ft','') Moment(34,'lbf.ft') 46.097 Nm
Temp(temperature, temperatureunit) Allows a temperature input to a specified temperature unit. ('K','°C','°F') Temp(10,'°F') 260.93 K
Angle(angle, angleunit) Allows an angle input from angle unit. ('rad','mrad','°','grad') Angle(15,'°') 0.262 rad
Time(time, timeunit) Allows time input based on time unit. ('s','min.','h','d') Time(5,'d') 432000 s

Project and model property functions

Project and model property functions allow for the retreival of values from the given model or project. These include retriving information about the connection model (members and loading) aswell as other user settings which can be used to drive further calculations.

Load effect functions

We provide a function which allows the user to retrieve the evelope of forces on a given member for all Active load effects in the project. This function can be very useful for making design decisions based on the enveloped load on a given member of the connection.

Expression Description Example Input Example Ouput
GetLoadEffectEnvelope(Member, Action, Envelope, End) Allows retrieval of given member force envelope for a given direction ('N', 'Vy', 'Vz', 'Mx', 'My', 'Mz') with an envelope option of ('Max', 'Min', 'Abs Max', 'Abs Min') at either ('Begin', 'End') of the member. If no parameter for End is provided 'End' will be used by default GetLoadEffectEnvelope('B','Vz','Abs Max','End') 17500 N
Example where the default End is used. GetLoadEffectEnvelope('B','Vz','Abs Max') 17500 N
Example of getting minimum moment My. GetLoadEffectEnvelope('B','My','Min') 120000 Nm

When load in percentage is set to true the resulting force value is still retrieved. Force values are always updated when the percentage is changed.


Be careful when transferring templates with the Min and Max envelope setting. If the local co-ordinate of a member changes, the positive and negative values my represent a different load direction on the connected member which should be carefully considered.

Operation reference Functions

Expression Description Example Input Example Ouput
GetBoltDiameter('operation_name', index) Allows retrieval of an operations bolt type diameter. For operations which have more than one bolt size, the index parameter (0=first, 1=second, etc) can be used. By default it is set at 0. GetBoltDiameter('FP1',0) 0.020 m
Retrieves the first bolt type diameter of a given operation. GetBoltDiameter('FP1') 0.020 m
Retrieves the second defined bolt type diameter of a given operation. GetBoltDiameter('FP1',1) 0.024 m

Project setting value functions

We provide a general GetSettingValue(setting) function that allows a selected output value of a project setting to be used within parameters. Below is the currently avaliable general setting values that can be retrieved.

Description Example Input Example Ouput
Rounding settings
Setting for rounding of plate input dimensions GetSettingValue('Units.EntityRounding.PlateDimensions') 0.005 m
Setting for rounding of plate thickness input GetSettingValue('Units.EntityRounding.PlateThickness') 0.002 m
Setting for rounding of bolt spacing input GetSettingValue('Units.EntityRounding.BoltSpacing') 0.005 m
Setting for rounding of weld size input GetSettingValue('Units.EntityRounding.WeldSize') 0.001 m
Bolt detailing settings
Setting for end distance bolt diameter multiple GetSettingValue('Design.Bolts.Detailing.End') 2.0
Setting for edge distance bolt diameter multiple GetSettingValue('Design.Bolts.Detailing.Edge') 2.0
Setting for spacing bolt diameter multiple GetSettingValue('Design.Bolts.Detailing.Spacing') 3.0
Setting for wall distance bolt diameter multiple GetSettingValue('Design.Bolts.Detailing.Wall') 2.3
Component design settings
Target utilization of bolt design GetSettingValue('Design.AutoDesign.Bolts.TargetUtilization') 0.9
Target utilization of bolt design GetSettingValue('Design.AutoDesign.Welds.TargetUtilization') 0.9
Overstrength factor for weld design GetSettingValue('Design.AutoDesign.Welds.OverstrengthFactor') 1.4
General design settings
Beam resistance percentage GetSettingValue('Design.General.ResistancePercentage') 0.4

Member property value functions

We provide a general GetValue(member, property) function that can be used to extract model properties from the connection model. This enables the extraction of member information such as cross-section information, member geometry, etc. Here the member is the associated member in the model and property is the path of the desired property which will be retrieved.

In all examples below 'B' represents the Name of the referenced member in the connection.

Description Example Input Example Output
Member Properties General relating properties of the member
Material Name GetValue('B','MaterialName')
Is the bearing member GetValue('B','IsBearingMember')
Length GetValue('B', 'Length')
Support Code GetValue('B', 'SupportCode')
Member Cross-Section Bounds Get the bounds of the given members cross-section
Height GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.Bounds.Height')
Width GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.Bounds.Width')
Bottom GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.Bounds.Bottom')
Left GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.Bounds.Left')
Right GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.Bounds.Right')
Top GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.Bounds.Top')
Member Geometry Properties of the given member
Angle Alpha GetValue('B', 'AngleAlpha')
Angle Beta GetValue('B','AngleBeta')
Rotation Rx GetValue('B','RotationRx')
DirVect /X GetValue('B', 'DirVectX')
DirVect /Y GetValue('B', 'DirVectY')
DirVect /Z GetValue('B', 'DirVectZ')
LCS Y Axis Vect /X GetValue('B', 'LcsyVectX')
LCS Y Axis Vect /Y GetValue('B', 'LcsyVectY')
LCS Y Axis Vect /Z GetValue('B', 'LcsyVectZ')
LCS ZAxis Vect /X GetValue('B', 'LcszVectX')
LCS Z Axis Vect /Y GetValue('B', 'LcszVectY')
LCS Z Axis Vect /Z GetValue('B', 'LcszVectZ')
Begin Offset X GetValue('B', 'EccentricityBeginX')
Begin Offset Y GetValue('B', 'EccentricityBeginY')
Begin Offset Z GetValue('B', 'EccentricityBeginZ')
End Offset X GetValue('B', 'EccentricityBeginX')
End Offset Y GetValue('B', 'EccentricityBeginY')
End Offset Z GetValue('B', 'EccentricityBeginZ')
InsertPointOnRefLine GetValue('B', 'InsertPointOnRefLine.X')
Theoretical Length Y GetValue('B', 'TheoreticalLengthY')
Theoretical Length Z GetValue('B', 'TheoreticalLengthZ')
Member CP position Gets the point of connection of this segment to the joint
Connection Point - X GetValue('B', 'ConnectionPoint.X')
Connection Point - Y GetValue('B', 'ConnectionPoint.Y')
Connection Point - Z GetValue('B', 'ConnectionPoint.Z')
Position On Ref Line - Gets the relative position of the ConnectionPoint on the ReferenceLine GetValue('B', 'PositionOnRefLine')
Calculated Pin Position - Gets the position of the calculated pinned connection. The position is measured on the local X-axis of the beam. The calculation is done according to the sizes and positions of bolts on this member GetValue('B', 'CalculatedPinPosition')
Member Bounding Box Geometry Gets bounding box in the local coordinate system of the beam
Bounding Box in LCS - Height GetValue('B', 'BoundingBoxInLcs.Height')
Bounding Box in LCS - Width GetValue('B', 'BoundingBoxInLcs.Width)
Bounding Box in LCS - Length GetValue('B', 'BoundingBoxInLcs.Length)

Member position functions

GetQuadrant{Axis1}{Axis}(Member1, Member2)

The GetQuadrant function determines the quadrant position of a target structural member (Member2) relative to a source structural member (Member1) in a specified 2D plane within a 3D coordinate system.


  • Axis1 (char) – The first coordinate axis (either X, Y, or Z).
  • Axis2 (char) – The second coordinate axis (either X, Y, or Z).
  • Member1 (string) – The name of the reference structural member.
  • Member2 (string) – The name of the structural member whose position is evaluated relative to Member1.
Description Example Input Example Output
Quadrant position of members in axis X & Z GetQuadrantXZ('M1', 'M2') 4
Quadrant position of members in axis X & Y GetQuadrantXY('M1', 'M2') 2

Member relating cross-section property functions

Most cross-section properties of a related member can be retrieved with the general GetValue(member, property) function. For retrieving plate thickness another function is required, GetBeamPlateThickness(member, plateitem).

Description Example Input Example Output
Top Flange Thickness GetBeamPlateThickness('B', 'TopFlange') 0.010 m
Bottom Flange Thickness GetBeamPlateThickness('B', 'BottomFlange') 0.012 m
Web Thickness GetBeamPlateThickness('B', 'Web') 0.005 m
Description Example Input Example Output
Type of cross-section GetValue('B','CrossSection.CrossSectionType') RolledI
A - Area of Cross Section GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.CssCharact.A')
Av1 - Shear area Av1 (major principal axis) GetValue('B','CrossSection.CssCharact.Av1')
Av2 Shear area Av2 (minor principal axis) GetValue('B','CrossSection.CssCharact.Av2')
Sx - The first moment of area related to the X axis GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.CssCharact.Sx')
Sy - The first moment of area related to the Y axis GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.CssCharact.Sy')
Ix - The second moment of area related to the X axis GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.CssCharact.Ix')
Iy - The second moment of area related to the Y axis GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.CssCharact.Iy')
I1 - The principal second moment of area related to the first principal axis GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.CssCharact.I1')
I2 - The principal second moment of area related to the second principal axis GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.CssCharact.I2')
Alpha- Gets the angle, in radians, between system and principal axes GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.CssCharact.Alpha')
It- Sant Vennant torsional constant GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.CssCharact.It')
Ixy - The product moment of area GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.CssCharact.Ixy')
Cgx - Gets the centre of gravity related to the X axis GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.CssCharact.Cgx')
Cgy - Gets the centre of gravity related to the Y axis GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.CssCharact.Cgy')
Wpl1 - Plastic modulus related to major principal axis GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.CssCharact.Wpl1')
Wpl2 - Plastic modulus related to minor principal axis GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.CssCharact.Wpl2')
Wel1 - Section modulus related to major principal axis GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.CssCharact.Wel1')
Wel2 - Section modulus related to minor principal axis GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.CssCharact.Wel2')
Iw - Warping Constant GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.CssCharact.Iw')
C - Torsion Constant GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.CssCharact.C')
Rgx -Gets the radius of gyration related to the X axis GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.CssCharact.Rgx')
Rgy - Gets the radius of gyration related to the Y axis GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.CssCharact.Rgy')
Rg1 - Gets the radius of gyration related to the first principal axis GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.CssCharact.Rg1')
Rg2 - Gets the radius of gyration related to the second principal axis GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.CssCharact.Rg2')
x0 - Shear centre distance from centroidal point in X direction GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.CssCharact.x0')
y0 - Shear centre distance from centroidal point in Y direction GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.CssCharact.y0')
Painting surface as surface of 1m long part of beam with that cross-section GetValue('B', 'CrossSection.CssCharact.PaintingSurface')

Member relating section material property functions

Material properties of a related member can be retrieved with the general GetValue(member, property) function.

Description Example Input Example Output
E - Young's modulus GetValue('B', 'Material.E')
G - Shear modulus GetValue('B', 'Material.G')
Poisson's ratio GetValue('B', 'Material.Poissons')
Unit Mass GetValue('B', 'Material.UnitMass')
Specific Heat capacity GetValue('B', 'Material.SpecificHeat')
Thermal Expansion GetValue('B', 'Material.ThermalExpansion')
Thermal Conductivity GetValue('B', 'Material.ThermalConductivity')
Is Default Materail GetValue('B', 'Material.IsDefaultMaterial')

Further information

Further information of using expressions can be found on the NCalc wiki page.

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